Patching as a Service from BrightCloud
Protect your Windows servers with managed patching.
Server Patch Management
Microsoft produce regular security patches for their system vulnerabilities and research has shown that the most efficient way to be protected against attacks is to ensure that every server in the environment has the latest patches installed. If just one server in the environment is not patched, it can threaten the stability of the entire environment and possibly inhibit normal functionality.
BrightCloud Patching as a Service (PaaS) is designed to remove the burden of managing patching cycles for your virtual or physical server estate, whilst giving you the peace of mind that you are up to date. We will manage the entire patching process for all of your physical or virtual servers (VMware or Hyper-V).
Service Features

Leading Tools
Our service is powered by industry-leading patch management tools.

UK Support
Management from our Network Operations Centre (NOC) in Daventry.

We provide all patch management remotely via a secure VPN from our ISO9001/27001 certified datacentre.

Initial Health Check
We provide a patch compliance report of your servers, and identify all the operating systems and applications patches that are missing.

Free Reporting
Free monthly patch compliance reporting.

ITIL Change Management
We operate an ITIL compliant Change Management process for all patching tasks.
Service Options
The patch management process, application of patches and remediation of faulty patches is available between the hours of 09:00 – 17:30 GMT, Monday to Friday, excluding UK Bank and National Holidays.
Any customer requests for work to take place outside of Core Support hours will be provided as ex-SLA billable labour.
The patch management process, application of patches and remediation of faulty patches is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Service Prerequisites
Customer must agree to the establishment of a permanent VPN from our patch management systems to their infrastructure. Device access and traffic types can be restricted over this tunnel to meet any customer security requirements.
The Windows Server must be already in-situ on the network and functioning correctly.
All Microsoft Server Operating Systems are eligible for the service for as long as they are still covered by ‘Mainstream Support’ or ‘Extended Support’, as defined in Microsoft’s Lifecycle Policy.
The customer will undertake any required User Acceptance Testing post installation of agreed patches. BrightCloud do not include this in the service.
The customer will provide appropriate sized maintenance windows such that BrightCloud can complete the agreed patching process. Such maintenance window to include time for remediation should any issues occur as a result of applying a patch.
The Server OS/Application must be one that is supported by BrightCloud’s Patch Management solution (more details available from your Account Manager).
Why BrightCloud?
BrightCloud is a IT managed services provider with over 20 years experience dealing with Mid Market and Enterprise customers. Many organisations struggle to find their security baseline, we believe that Cyber Essentials Plus provides that baseline. BrightCloud works with you to understand your security needs, conduct a gap analysis and help you on your journey to strong cyber resilience and CE+.
We work closely with our accredited partners to develop innovative technology strategies and produce the most effective results for our customers.